Monday, February 9, 2009

Rainy Days in San Diego

Living in San Diego has lots of perks but one downside is the lack of rainy days. I know some of you may say "What? Lack of rainy days?!" But rainy days for me are God's way of saying "slow down, make a pot of coffee and bead, knit, crochet all day without feeling guilty." Here in San Diego, it is mostly perfect weather all year long and instinctively my Michigander blood says "if it is sunny and warm out, it is time to go out and play." Now in Michigan that was true as there are only 3 months of summer and even some of those days it's too rainy to go out and play. But here in San Diego, it is usually go, go, go. My husband, J.K., and I have learned to make rainy days so that we can allow ourselves to have a mellow day but today there is no need to pretend. Anyway, just wanted to show off what I have been doing on my rainy day....

Both of these items are for sale on my Etsy website ~

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